Steve arrived at Kilimanjaro National Airport Wednesday night and chilled at the Meru Game Lodge, several kilometers west of the airport. The lodge is situated in a wildlife sanctuary with dark, hand carved wood, high thread-count sheets, and beautifully kept grounds.

Mount Meru Game Lodge
I arrived on Friday from Rwanda where I was visiting my daughter and family who live in Kigali. As I traveled mid morning, I was able to view the landscape on the short 1 ½ hours flight, and was struck by the fairly clear demarcation between the the landscape of villages and the expansive Serengeti ecosystem, which is devoid of development other than several dirt tracks and what appeared like occasional lodge areas.
Both Steve and I were met at the airport by Seif Juma, the CEO of our guiding company Kili Africa Tours. We were presented with 1 ½ liter bottles of water, juice and all the bananas we could eat on the way to our respective hotels.

Seif Juma and Steve

Seif, Teo and Geoff
As I was the first of our team to arrive at the Parkview Inn in Moshi, Seif set me up in one of the best rooms in the hours with a full-on view of Mount Kilimanjaro from my window!

Kili out my window!
Looks like an auspicious start to the adventure!